Sabbath Questions

Listening to these sermons with a group? Occasionally we’ll include discussion questions, like these. Click here to listen to Rankin’s sermon on Keeping the Sabbath. 

    1. Before this presentation, would you have considered the Sabbath to be a binding commandment of God, just as important for our moral formation as the other nine commandments?

    1. What might the significance of the Sabbath being established in the Creation narrative (before the fall of humanity in Genesis 3) have for our healthy rhythms today?

    1. How do you currently observe a Sabbath? Did the sermon convince you to amend your practice? 

    1. Using Marva Dawn’s categories (ceasing, resting, embracing, feasting) what are some ways you can make the first day of the week the best day of the week?

    1. The sermon defined “leisure” in a fairly unusual way, following the philosopher Josef Pieper. Do you find this type of leisure difficult? 

    1. Why is it hard for us to make space for solitude and silence? When you are alone and quiet, what are you compelled to face? 

    1. Idolatry of our work is a major modern challenge. How does that idolatry show up in your life? Do you want the power of this work addiction to be broken?

    1. The sermon said, “It is the hardest thing in the world to want to rest in Christ alone for our salvation.” Where do you see this difficulty in your own life? 

    1. How is next week going to look different because of what you heard today? Would you consider inviting someone else to come alongside you as you make this new habit stick?