His Thoughts Said…His Father Said: Real-World Answers to the Hard Questions of Life

This tiny book has provided some timely footholds when I have felt discouraged, afraid, or depressed. Set as a series of brief conversations between a soul and God, the book provides solace and encouragement for a variety of complaints, questions, and feelings. Even through the old-fashioned language, the love and fondness of God for you shines clearly.

24. The son remembered how when he was a very little child he had sympathized with the grey sea. The blue sea was a happy sea. The green sea, when the waves thereof tossed themselves and roared, was a triumphant sea. But the grey sea looked anxious. So the child was sorry for the grey sea. Grey weather he abhorred.
Something of this feeling was with him still. Grey weather was not among the things for which he gave thanks.
His Father said to him, ‘All weathers nourish souls.’”

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