Sabbath Resources

Sabbath Resources

Click here to listen to Rankin’s sermon on Keeping the Sabbath.  It’s been said the fourth commandment is the most debated but least observed. Yet as interest in spiritual formation and spiritual practices has blossomed the last few years, new attention is being paid...
Advent Under the Broom Tree

Advent Under the Broom Tree

“You know the time…the hour has come for you to wake from sleep.  For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.  The night is far gone; the day is at hand.”  Romans 13:11-12 “Waiting for and hastening the coming of the day.” 2 Peter...
Catherine of Sienna

Catherine of Sienna

Catherine of Sienna was an Italian laywoman of the 14th century who died in her early 30s. Though unschooled, she was a writer whose elegant prose would not only alter the course of Italian literature, but who, many years later, would became one of a very small number...
The OWNER Acrostic

The OWNER Acrostic

As part of my own training in emotional health, I borrowed/adjusted an acrostic that has helped me: O.W.N.E.R. I like this reminder of a theme that is critical for me to keep in front of myself: responsibility and agency.  I am responsible for my emotions and...