Releasing Our Anger – Part 3

Releasing Our Anger – Part 3

This is Part 3 of a series. You can read Part 1 and Part 2 at these links. God’s Remedy for Releasing Anger Remember that in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is moving us beyond the letter of the law, beyond religious duties. As he says elsewhere, “Go and learn what...
Releasing Our Anger – Part 2

Releasing Our Anger – Part 2

This is part 2 in a series of 3 articles. You can read part 1 here. Drop the Rock The verb tense that Jesus uses when talking about anger in Matthew 5 suggests that the anger he’s talking about is ongoing. It’s not the rock that we pick up; it’s the rock that we hold...
Releasing Our Anger – Part 1

Releasing Our Anger – Part 1

Holding onto Hurt Corrodes the Heart Your anger can kill you. And letting go of it is not a simple act of the will. Even if we know we should let go, even if we’re determined to do so, we might find ourselves holding on even more tightly. Then we’ve got a toxic...
How Fear of Conflict Erodes Trust

How Fear of Conflict Erodes Trust

Trust is essential to a healthy culture. That’s not controversial. It’s common wisdom. What is controversial is that you can’t build trust without vulnerability. Vulnerability precedes trust. That’s far from common wisdom. Because vulnerability, when it’s real, is...
How Do I Make Friends?

How Do I Make Friends?

When I’ve taught this material, in many different contexts, the most common question asked is, “But how do I make friends? Especially at this stage of my life?”  We’re lonely. Reading a book or listening to a podcast on what makes for a great friendship can be...